Monday, October 5, 2020

Reflection on God's Will

Here are some of the affirmations I got from last night’s singles gig with Fr. Mike La Guardia.

1.       Most of us are in search for answers to what God’s will is, only to arrive with frustration how incomprehensible it is. It is written in Isaiah 55:8-9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts that your thoughts.” We are not here on earth to figure out what the whole plan is all about. If everything is already given, like a detailed life manual, would we still seek him? I do not think so. Even if he did not give us full instructions, he laid out what his will is for us in some verses written in the bible.

       “Be holy, for I the Lord, your God is holy.” 1 Peter 1:16

        “So be perfect just as your heavenly father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

      God’s will is our sanctification because He wants all of us to be with Him. He desires us to reunite with Him in time. Our life as Christians (meaning follower of Christ), is a call to holiness regardless of what our past is. When we talk about holiness, the first thing that comes to our minds is perfection but no one on earth is perfect. God is not like humans who judge us for our sins, he is a father who looks through the heart.

2.       We are godly designed, an image of God. One of my favorite verses in the bible is “God created mankind in his own image and likeness.” Genesis 1:27 Our dignity (meaning worthiness) as human beings goes beyond our circumstances in life because we are God’s people, we are designed with all the love in his heart. So, no matter what our imperfections are, always remember this: You are loved beyond measure. You do not need to be accepted by people to feel loved because there is one person who would love you more than anyone could despite of your unworthiness. He does not only call the qualified, but he qualifies whom he calls. You just have to accept the love that He has for you.

3.       God wills for us to be happy. God has given us an intellect and a free will to walk the path that we desire. We are not puppets or robots that needs to be controlled in order to move and do something. For God said, “You came from me, you will end in me. The rest is up to you. You make your choices in life.” God had already implanted a blueprint in our hearts. He is a loving father. A father who would ask his child what they want to be when they grow up, what their hobbies are and let them enjoy it. He is not like an earthly parent who would impose what he wants for his child. He is happy with what makes us happy. What will make us happy is his desire for us. However, the noise on earth distracts us and steals that moment where we can reflect and focus what is in our hearts. That is why it is essential for us to have a quiet time alone. Eventually, we will know if our choices match the desires that God has for us. No matter where we go in life, even if we lose our way, He will bring us back to the path of His plan.

4.       Always Pray. Let us always talk to God about our hearts desires and ask if it matches his. It is okay to ask for signs but we have to be careful not to impose our own signs because if we do, we only tend to see what we are looking for and miss the one that God wills for us. We will know that we have met God’s desire if there is inner joy and peace within us. There is a motto in nursing that says, “When in doubt, discard”. So, when you are doubting about something, do not do it. “For God does not give us the spirit of fear but of power, of love and sound mind.” Pray that we will always be in the right track because it is fulfilling to be in line with what God desires for our life.

Praying for you.