Friday, May 8, 2020

Opportunity in Adversity

What a beautiful day guys! It’s been a while. We have lived in a fast paced environment ever since we were little. Our journey towards growing has caused us a lot. We have been through a roller coaster ride because no matter how we want to live our lives easier, it always ends up challenging. That is why many people have depression. Our heart desires to have an easy life. We were not taught how to manage our emotions properly. 

This pandemic crisis has put everything on hold, our plans, income and so on. I have seen many people struggling emotionally and financially. There so many people ranting on social media. It’s sometimes frustrating to go on Facebook or on twitter because of it. I know that it’s hard to see the positive in times like this but if you look at it in a bigger picture, we will see that there are blessings in it. We just need to learn the power of appreciation.

According to Matthew 22:36-37, “The first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” How many of us forgot about Him because of our everyday hustle? This pandemic gives us an opportunity to look into our hearts and rekindle our relationship with God. 

He never stopped knocking in the doors of our heart but we never pause to listen to what he wants to say. To love God is the basic foundation of it all. We learn to appreciate because of love. God is love. Let us seek Him with a humble heart and lay all our troubles in Him. 

He is waiting for us. God is the greatest provider. 

He never sleeps. His ways are beyond impossible. 

Trust Him.

Stay safe, God bless!

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