Saturday, December 28, 2013


As women, we have the tendency to overthink. Overthinking is either normal or destructive because it could cause a negative thought that piles up and eventually leads to negative emotions. Negative thoughts came from our past experiences or fears.

Destructive overthinking holds us back from being the person that God wants us to be. So, our challenge is on how to break free from this.

We are God’s Princess. He uses us to bring out the best in His people. However, our royalty is a threat to Satan. He would do everything to take away our crown and defeat God in us through our minds.

We can’t face this on our own. We need to humble ourselves before God and ask for His intervention.

Princess, even Paul teaches us in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 to “Bring every thought captive to the obedience of God.”

There are 3 STEPS IN BATTLING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS applying this verse:

1. Write down every negative thought you have along with the truth

I’m not worthy.
-I am worthy because I’m God’s princess. He made me in His likeness and he loves me more than anything.

2. Present these thoughts to God
3. Be still and continue growing

For Sisters in a Relationship:

Steps 1, 2 and 3 plus number

4. Talk to your partner about it.

Sisters, God gave us the power to overcome everything this world offers and that includes ourselves.

God is working through us. Let us be sensitive enough to feel His presence and hear Him better. See to it that He is our first priority in our lives. Allow Him to lead you towards the Princess He intended you to be.

God bless! :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Grow Old With YOU

When you seek love with all your heart, you shall find its echoes.. In the Universe! -Rumi

Sorry, this is my 2nd post about LOVE. HAHA.

Err. I'm not feeling well this morning so I decided to stay home and rest. This has been a weird day for me. Everything I see is all about LOVE.

Couples have different love stories to tell. I honor those who continuously prayed for each other and focused on God in service while waiting for His perfect time.

Anyway, I saw a video a while ago about a married couple who celebrated their first wedding anniversary with the Aspen Trees. Awwwww I love nature! This urged me write about love.

I remembered one time while my sister and I were eating at Razon’s, we saw an old couple having a date. They’re really cute together! I asked her to secretly take their picture. I told her, “Someday I want to have that kind of relationship. To grow old with him, but sweeter!” Then she was like, “ASA!” (You wish!).

Love is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Love for God
Love for yourself
Love for your family
Love for your friends
Love for other people
Love for the smallest things
Love for *enter a name* HAHA!
Love for nature
Love for sports

People all over the world search for love but only few have seen it.

Have you heard of the song, “Love love love love love makes the world go round”? It’s true. It does make the world go round because Love is God.

I’m pretty sure you experienced writing in an Autograph. There was one question there that says, “Define love”. Most people would answer:

  • Love is blind.
  • Love is a feeling.
  • Or Love is attraction

Relationships fail because of these. There is no such thing as “falling out of love”. True love never fails. God never fails.

It’s sad that people forget God in love.

Look around you..

  • ·      Birds humming
  • ·      Trees swaying
  • ·      Little girls dancing
  • ·      City lights
  • ·      Flowing waters
  • ·      Smiles from strangers
  • ·      Ants carrying food

These are few of the small things that we could see God’s love from. Its beauty is incomparable. It’s beyond what a feeling or emotion could give you. That's love.

When we learn to see and appreciate these small things, only then will God give us the bigger ones such as our Greatest God's Gift, the person who we'll be spending our life with. Besides we can’t go to Grade 2 if we skip Grade 1. HAH!

Let us be free from the state of “just a feeling or emotion” and Love God’s way! (1 Corinthians 13)

Love LOVE!
God bless :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Our oldest sister lives with her family in the US for 7 years already. I went there last 2008 as a “Debut gift” instead of throwing a huge party. I stayed with them for 2 months which made me realize how she longs for one of her sisters to be there for her always. Anyway, she celebrated her 44th birthday last Sunday.

She sent me a message Monday evening telling me how sad her birthday is because her husband isn’t talking to her since Saturday. I felt really sad about it. It’s her birthday! She shouldn’t feel that way.

I gave her my point of view. She was like, “There's no such thing as marriage made in heaven. I celebrate my birthday once a year. I was hoping he would treat me as a queen and not as a slave.”

I bet you’re wondering what I told her.

“An argument is normal in marriage but you have to compromise. That’s the sense of the relationship, to serve each other for better or for worse.”

I believe there is such thing as marriage made in heaven. Not necessarily perfect but guided. There are lots of couples who witnessed it. The only challenge is to pursue God first, everything would follow.

I read a blog from a Single Guy, I don't know his name but he inspired me so much & I want to share it with you:

Dear Single Girl,

I don’t know you personally, yet, but there are a few things I want to tell you with the hope that I will get to know you some day.

Actually, there are 5 things I want you to know:

1. How to get a man’s attention. The guy that you are looking for isn’t attracted to charm as much as he is Godliness because beauty fades but Godliness GROWS (1 Peter 3:3-5). I know that the culture will tell you that guys are turned away and intimidated by girls that love Jesus and have strong values and convictions. Culture is wrong; boys may be turned away by strong convictions, but men are not. Be the woman God has called you to be, and a godly man will notice.

2. Run from “Prince Charming”. Some girls seem to give attention to every smooth talker and cool dresser that comes their way. Please don’t do that; be patient and wait on a man who is concerned with pursuing Jesus, not another trophy. Only give the GROWING, God fearing man a chance to pursue you. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain (Prov 31:30).

3. I am just a guy, not a god. A guy will crumble under the weight of being your god. No other person can complete you or make you happy. There are lots of great physical and emotional benefits that come from a relationship, but none of it is enough to sustain a healthy loving marriage if your faith is not in Jesus. No guy will complete you, so don’t put him on that pedestal (he will fall).

4. Don’t wait on me, pursue Jesus. From my male perspective, there is nothing more attractive than a woman being obedient to Jesus and taking the risk to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Too many times I notice girls in the church just sitting and waiting on a man to come and rescue them from a life of boredom. When it comes time for me to pick a partner, I want somebody that can follow me on an adventure, not someone that is used to doing nothing and complaining about the fact that no one is interested in them. Pursue Jesus and I will pursue you when He gives me the green light.

5. Time is not running out. Singleness is a gift, not a curse. You want to be beautiful? Put your hope in God and don’t give way to fear; trust his timing (1 John 4:18). Don’t waste your single years by always waiting on what is next and turning yourself into a man chaser. Let’s follow God right now and trust Him to take care of the next. God is sovereign and able to direct both of us to each other when the time is right.

Until Then,

A Single Guy
Originally posted on:

God bless! :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

God knows Better

The gospel today tells us a story about a widow who lost her only son.

When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” He stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this the bearers halted, and he said, “Young man, I tell you, arise!” The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, exclaiming, “A great prophet has arisen in our midst,” and “God has visited his people.” Luke 7:13-16

Have you watched Despicable Me 2?

In the movie, El Macho stole a mutating chemical compound, PX-41, which transformed living things into indestructible killing machines to conquer the world. Gru found out that Dr. Nefario, his friend, has been working for El Macho because he missed being “evil” and they had been capturing and mutating some of his minions into purple-furred monsters using the stolen serum. When Lucy had been captured, Dr. Nefario called Gru to tell him about it. So he disguised 2 minions as purple furred monster and acted as their prisoner in a rescue attempt. Dr. Nefario had a change of heart and was able to come up with an antidote to help restore the minions and save Lucy.

You might be asking why I’m telling you about it. Gru had lost almost all of his minions, the love of his life had been captured and his only friend turned his back on him. All of them are important to him.

If you think about it, Gru could save Lucy, kill the purple minions and Dr. Nefario had a choice not to help him but no. The story ended better than that.

God is the writer, we are the story.

Whenever someone asked me for an advice, I see to it that I remind them how God is bigger, that he knows what he’s doing, that everything has a message/purpose and would tell them my story.

One of my friends told me, “Kristine, don’t tell me that everything will be okay. People are different. I will never be okay. She’s the only person who completes me. It’s been years. I’m a good person, I don’t deserve this. I always pray and it seems that not one of my prayers is answered.”

I paused for a while before answering him.

Unfortunately, he opposed everything I said and kept telling me that “people are different”. But I used my stubbornness to be able for him to know that I’ll never get tired of being there for him, sharing the truth.

Last Sunday, we had our CLP orientation. Our talk giver was Kuya Don Vivas, he was one of our favorite talk givers in CFC. He told us how crazy the world is and what it offers versus what God offers.
I was contemplating on what he was saying, thinking about how to effectively share it to other people then I remembered one person who told me something about it. I can’t remember his exact words but his point was, when you tell something not all people could believe you that’s why you have to constantly repeat it in order for them to absorb what you wanted to say. It’s hard but necessary. That’s what I did plus prayer.

Days after, I was surprised when he said, “To be honest Kristine, I really don’t want to talk to you anymore but I find myself talking to you. I was not supposed to add you but I did. Then when I was sad, you were annoyingly there for me. You convinced me to go with you to eastwood, to CLP, it’s not like me. It happened so fast that I asked myself, what am I doing with this girl? Amazing right? My only question right now is why am I always running back to her? I prayed for her to talk to me again. She did! Is it because I attended the CLP? Impossible! That was so fast. I feel really happy. He’s the boss alright!” God answered him more than what he was praying. I was so happy because God also answered mine.

Despicable me, my friend and the widow in Luke has a similar story. All she needs that time is to be comforted, sympathized and a company. God knows better. He knows that more than anything, she needs her son. So he raised him back to life.

God understands our desires in our hearts. He sees through us. An unanswered prayer doesn’t mean that he didn’t hear us or that he doesn’t care. He is the author of our life. He has something better for us other than what we want. He edits our story from time to time.

God works in mysterious ways. You would be amazed on what he has in store for you ;) 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mondate with God

During my prayer time this morning, God told me to go with my mom to Antipolo Cathedral. I heard him say, "Kristine, Let's have a date!" :p

On our way to church, she was telling me how to drive. I can’t understand what she’s saying but I smiled to the thought that she’s making an effort for me to learn the basics about driving.

When we arrived, I went to the adoration, took out my bible and read the book of Jeremiah. (I don’t know why but something’s telling me to read it)

All I know is that God has his reason why he wanted me to be there and why Jeremiah.


One of my grade school friends added me in facebook last week. It’s been 5 years since we last talked to each other. We decided to go out and catch up. He reminisced about our grade school days. I can’t even remember some of it. He reminded me the things that I have intentionally forgot about which made me feel the pain I had before but I know better & God knows best.

Anyway, my friend opened up about his problems.

He just got his heart broken by a girl whom he loves for 4 years now. He told me that he can’t take it anymore, that he doesn’t deserve what’s happening in his life; how he wants to be alone because he thinks he’s a burden.

He listens to my advices but when he’s alone, he would tell me that every one is different and that he knows what’s best for him.

I’ve always wanted to help others & to be honest, I felt bad that he doesn’t want me to help him but I always keep in mind what God wants me to do and BREEEEAATH! :p

Like my Mom, God teaches us not necessarily to be the driver of our lives but to show us our way, the right path, the right solution. Most of the time, we can’t understand what he's trying to say. It takes time for us to decipher it. But God asks us to walk by faith and not by sight.(I love this verse!)

My date with God was a blast! I even forgot that I was not able to eat lunch yet. I didn't feel how hungry I was until after our date. 

I was filled with joy. I can't thank him enough for this day. It's like he surprised me with a box of airheads but told me to eat one per day. :D 

Thaank yoou father!

“Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose hope is the Lord. He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream; it fears not the heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; In the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8